Here's a peek at the furniture. The white hutch in the bath type room is a micheals hutch that I painted and reworked a bit. The blue chaise and stool along with all the furniture in the bedroom are all Ideal Petite Princess furniture from 1964. I LOVE them. I actually have the dining hutch and grandfather clock from that line too. I think I will pick up almost all the other pieces since I like them so much. I had no idea plastic furniture could be so darn cute! And well made. The sofa and chair in the living room and actually a soft blue. I still need to finish the paper on the third wall of the bathroom but I am out of the glue I used. I'm going to be ordering it in bulk instead of paying retail. The upside to that is it is also a scrapbooking glue! I love it when my supplies work in several crafts. Asyou can tell the kitchen and bedroom are also both in need of paper. If I could decide then that would be helpful!
This will not be my last post on the dollhouses. I will keep added more on it as I do it in addition to my scrapbooking pages.
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